All in Juvenile Justice News

Casey Selects 15 Sites to Train Juvenile Justice Frontline Staff

The Casey Foundation has selected 15 state and local juvenile justice agencies and related organizations to participate in its inaugural Reimagining Juvenile Justice (RJJ) Train-the-Trainer Institute this May. The institute’s goal is to accelerate the spread of the RJJ curriculum, a six-part professional development opportunity for frontline staff working with youth involved in the juvenile justice system and their families.

Youth often become homeless just after leaving juvenile detention. Can Washington state really stop it?

At least 1,800 youths were homeless or unstably housed within a year of exiting those systems, according to the most recent data available.

No other state has made such a sweeping commitment, according to experts, and Washington does not yet know how it will achieve it. But the state has an interest in ensuring today’s homeless youths don’t become the next generation of homeless adults, and officials are exploring solutions.