What If Courts Treated Young Sex Trafficking Victims Like Cyntoia Brown as People, Not Perpetrators?

What If Courts Treated Young Sex Trafficking Victims Like Cyntoia Brown as People, Not Perpetrators?

Slowly, state legislators and advocates are pushing legal reforms and diversionary programs that reflect the understanding that kids shouldn’t face a lifetime of consequences for decisions they made while their brains were still developing. Overall, the number of girls and boys in the juvenile justice system is decreasing. But even though girls make up less than a third of the nation’s roughly 800,000 juvenile arrests each year, they are the fastest-growing share of these arrests.

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Running Away Or Skipping School Could Get A Kid Locked Up. Now That's Changing

Running Away Or Skipping School Could Get A Kid Locked Up. Now That's Changing

Researcher Gets $3.2 Million Grant To Study Blended Learning Literacy Program In Juvenile Justice Schools

Researcher Gets $3.2 Million Grant To Study Blended Learning Literacy Program In Juvenile Justice Schools